Sunday, February 9th, 2025

News Author: Antonio Bard

Facebook’s New Payments System?

Facebook is considering its options for jumping even further into the payments system. Can it keep up with the big dogs like PayPal?

When Financial Entities are Sued by Government


On Thursday, American consumers learned of two more instances where financial entities are sued by the government.

PayPal in Outer Space?


Ready for a bit of “spacey” news? PayPal is preparing to take its business to outer space. But what exactly can one buy or sell off the face of the earth?

Feds Rolling in the Student Loan Profits


Millions of families are buckling under massive credit card debt and student loan debt. So why is the government raking in billions in profits from that misery?

Why Did Schnucks Hide Massive Breach?


Schnucks Supermarket knew about a massive credit card breach at its stores but it still continued accepting debit and credit cards from its customers instead of putting protective mechanisms in place.

Problems Continue for SAC, Senior Employees


Things continue to worsen for SAC Capital Advisors as Michael Steinberg was greeted by the FBI and handcuffs when he answered his door last week.

Court Sides with Miss. Bank


After several years and legal appeals, a Mississippi bank has won a court case that includes a ruling that it doesn’t have to cover a $440,000 loss due to wire fraud.

Equifax Violates FCRA, Fined


Equifax continues to violate U.S. financial laws, this time, compromising consumer privacy. Here’s what the FCC found.

AMEX CEO Chenault Receives Record Salary


Should Chenault be given a record breaking salary and bonus package despite the unethical business practices American Express has been found guilty of?

What Credit Card Companies Know, but Don’t Want You to Know


Financial institutions are considering new ways of determining whether you or I are creditworthy. But they’re not keen on letting us in on those new efforts.

Why Job Seekers Should Care About FTC Changes


There are big changes in federal laws that will determine whether or not millions are offered jobs – and it’s all based on how well they maintain their credit card payments and mortgage payments.

BoA Small Business Lending Program


Bank of America has met its challenge to bring aboard 1,000 small business bankers. The goal is to provide resources and financial tools to the nation’s small business owners.